Get started with Ignite CLI and then run your own chain

First Steps

Do you want to find out how to interact with Cosmos chains? Let's take it step-by-step.

Make sure to set up your Work Environment. We have put together some useful information to get everything ready before you start.

Begin by interacting with a chain using simapp. By the end, you will know how to run a node, create blocks, and send transactions.

Then discover the first steps to building an application-specific blockchain from scratch, using Ignite to implement a checkers game and to interact with a running local blockchain from the command line.

# In this chapter

In this chapter, you will:

  • Find instructions on how to set up your work environment.
  • Learn how to run a node and interact with a Cosmos SDK chain.
  • Work with Ignite CLI.
  • Begin implementing a blockchain for a checkers game using Ignite CLI, including the creation of unit tests.

This week, make sure to submit your exercise once you feel ready to test your knowledge.

The exercise will be available until the Final Exam is launched on July 6th.

Do not worry if you do not pass the exercise: it is simply meant to be an opportunity to practice and demonstrate your engagement with the program.

This is a recording of the live session Introduction to app.go with Julien Robert, Developer Relations Engineer for the Cosmos SDK:

# Next up

Before you begin running a node and exploring Ignite CLI, prep everything for the running exercise - creating a checkers blockchain - by going through the section Setup Your Work Environment.

But before you dive in, ask yourself: what kind of a learner are you?

  • Do you like to learn the theory first, then build on that foundation? If that sounds like you, then we recommend you begin with the Week 1 content and continue through the program chronologically.
  • Do you like to get your hands dirty right away, then work back to fill in the conceptual gaps? If this is your modus operandi, then we suggest you start with the Week 2 material now, then go back to read through Week 1 before you continue.

Whichever way you decide to approach the program, we highly recommend that you complete both Week 1 and Week 2!

# Developer Resources

Cosmos SDK
Cosmos SDK
A framework to build application-specific blockchains

Blockchain consensus engine and application interface

Cosmos Hub
Cosmos Hub
First interconnected public blockchain in the Interchain network

Industry standard protocol for inter-blockchain communication