
# Prepare the Software to Run

To get to production, the first order of business is to build the binary that the nodes will run. If you used Ignite CLI, then you already did this under the hood with the ignite chain serve command.

# Target platforms

Because you are going to run the nodes on different machines, they may use different operating systems and CPU types. You need to account for that when building the binary. In particular, the computer on which you build may be entirely different from the one on which you eventually run the binary. In the jargon, you need to specify the target platform(s).

What target platforms are available? Because you built your entire blockchain with Go, you can rely on Go target platforms (opens new window) for that. Or a nicely presented one such as this (opens new window). To get the targets specific to your version of Go, just run:

Copy $ go tool dist list

For instance, for go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64, it returns:

Copy aix/ppc64 android/386 android/amd64 android/arm android/arm64 darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 dragonfly/amd64 freebsd/386 freebsd/amd64 freebsd/arm freebsd/arm64 illumos/amd64 ios/amd64 ios/arm64 js/wasm linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/mips linux/mips64 linux/mips64le linux/mipsle linux/ppc64 linux/ppc64le linux/riscv64 linux/s390x netbsd/386 netbsd/amd64 netbsd/arm netbsd/arm64 openbsd/386 openbsd/amd64 openbsd/arm openbsd/arm64 openbsd/mips64 plan9/386 plan9/amd64 plan9/arm solaris/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64 windows/arm windows/arm64

As a side note, some of these platforms are first-class ports of Go while the others are not. If you want to only see the first class ports and have installed the jq tool, you can run:

Copy $ go tool dist list -json \ | jq -r '.[] | select(.FirstClass) | [.GOOS , .GOARCH] | join("/")'

Notice the GOOS and GOARCH keywords in the command above. You will see them again later.

The list is now much shorter:

Copy darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 windows/386 windows/amd64

Imagine you are going to run the node:

  • On regular office Linux boxes, so target linux/amd64.
  • Also on AWS EC2 instances with a Graviton processor, so target linux/arm64.
  • Validator operators are going to generate their genesis transactions on Mac computers with Intel CPUs, so target darwin/amd64.

# Build and package

There are several ways to build an executable. Pick the one that works best for your situation.

# With go build

Your Cosmos blockchain project is at heart a Go project, so you can build it with a go build command.

First, you need to locate your func main(). In fact, you may have more than one. For instance, choose the one in cmd/myprojectd/main.go:

Copy $ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./build/myproject-linux-amd64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go $ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o ./build/myproject-linux-arm64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go $ env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./build/myproject-darwin-amd64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go

This is all you need to do. If your computer is of the linux/amd64 platform type, you can run:

Copy $ ./build/myproject-linux-amd64

This should return something you will recognize:

Copy Stargate CosmosHub App Usage: myprojectd [command] Available Commands: add-genesis-account Add a genesis account to genesis.json collect-gentxs Collect genesis txs and output a genesis.json file config Create or query an application CLI configuration file ...

# With Ignite

Whether you prepared your project with or without Ignite, you can still build it with Ignite (opens new window). To see how to write a build command you can do:

Copy $ ignite chain build --help

You need to adjust the syntax of targets from linux/amd64 to linux:amd64. Also, to give a path for the built files. In a project made by Ignite, release is already added to the .gitignore so it is as good a choice of build folder as any other.

Copy $ ignite chain build \ --release.targets linux:amd64 \ --release.targets linux:arm64 \ --release.targets darwin:amd64 \ --output ./release \ --release

This creates zipped files and checksums:

Copy myproject_linux_amd64.tar.gz myproject_linux_arm64.tar.gz myproject_darwin_amd64.tar.gz release_checksum

The checksum file contains:

Copy 60669d05ba56104d4d999e147c688b228efee93aad9829c1d8418e4ba318ea56 myproject_linux_amd64.tar.gz 2fd5f17498dcc2697a276821a0fa4d24d5d80a924f7a092f2d07b7bdd6b661f8 myproject_linux_arm64.tar.gz 67f760ac8964a4abe684ec272b34abb9658b103468a960fced12e4f148030a1e myproject_darwin_arm64.tar.gz

If you want to confirm a match between the written checksum values and their calculated values, run:

Copy $ cd release && sha256sum -c release_checksum

This should output:

Copy myproject_linux_amd64.tar.gz: OK myproject_linux_arm64.tar.gz: OK myproject_darwin_amd64.tar.gz: OK

The checksum is performed on the zipped file, not the executable itself. This is just as well as you can expect to send the zipped file around. When on the computer where it needs to run, you can unzip it with:

Copy $ tar xzf myproject_linux_amd64.tar.gz

This creates a myprojectd executable file.

# With a Makefile

A Makefile (opens new window) is just a way to keep track of potentially complex commands and summon them with simpler commands. Create your own Makefile in the root folder of your project with:

Copy build-all: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./build/myproject-linux-amd64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o ./build/myproject-linux-arm64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./build/myproject-darwin-amd64 ./cmd/myprojectd/main.go do-checksum: cd build && sha256sum myproject-linux-amd64 myproject-linux-arm64 myproject-darwin-amd64 > myproject_checksum build-with-checksum: build-all do-checksum

Note the lines that add a checksum file as does Ignite. Also, make sure that if you copy paste you have a Tab before each command and not spaces.

If you do not have it yet, install the make tool. For instance, on Ubuntu:

Copy $ sudo apt-get install --yes make

With make you can then call a build with checksums with:

Copy $ make build-with-checksum

If you want to see what a vastly more complex Makefile looks like, head to the Cosmos Hub's own Makefile (opens new window).

# With a Makefile within Docker

If you do not want to install Go or make on your build computer, and have Docker (opens new window), you can:

Run the command:

Copy $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd):/myproject \ -w /myproject \ golang:1.18.3 \ make build-with-checksum

# Deploy

To keep? To modify?

Eventually, you will run these executables on computers. The command will be a perhaps-complex version of:

Copy $ myprojectd start

By default, CometBFT and the Cosmos app are launched together, run together, and communicate via sockets. This is the recommended way of launching. It is not the only way of launching, though.

You can launch CometBFT and the Cosmos app separately, and even on different computers. If you do so, ensure that only your CometBFT app can contact the Cosmos app on the ABCI.

For instance:

  • To start only the CometBFT node, run:

    Copy $ myprojectd start --proxy_app tcp://

    Where is the address where you launch the Cosmos app.

  • To start only the Cosmos app, you run:

    Copy $ myprojectd start --with-tendermint=false --abci grpc --address tcp://

Again, this is not recommended for performance reasons - for example, due to network latency.

If you would like to see how to apply what you've learned, you can go straight to the exercise in Simulate production in Docker to start from scratch.

More specifically, you can jump to:


To summarize, this section has explored:

  • How to build the binary that the nodes will run, using go build, Ignite CLI, a Makefile, or a Makefile within Docker.
  • Different methods of deploying, such as by launching CometBFT and the Cosmos app simultaneously, or by starting either one independently of the other.
  • The importance of ensuring the binary will run equally well on computers using different OS and CPU types.